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The Theory and Practice of Reducing Cone Formation in Fraser Fir
Tuesday, January 14, 2025, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM PST
Category: Events

The Theory and Practice of Reducing Cone Formation in Fraser Fir

January 14, 2025
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. PST
Hosted by the Real Christmas Tree Board

Dr. Bert Cregg, Michigan State University
Fraser fir precocious cone formation causes many issues for Christmas tree farmers. Cones are a photosynthetic sink and when large numbers are present can reduce vegetative growth. In addition, cones are not persistent, and after breaking down leave unappealing stalks on the tree. Hand removal of cones is expensive, due to the high amount of manual labor involved.  In addition, worker safety issues may arise due to the use of ladders to remove cones on tall trees. 

Plant growth regulators have been tested to prevent the formation of reproductive buds and thereby prevent the formation of cones. Other experiments tested the use of caustic materials applied to cones to chemically eliminate them. Experimental results will be discussed, showing how these products may be able to reduce the use of labor to physically remove cones.